Tuesday, November 30, 2010


<.< =O WOAH! Has it REALLY been 6 months since I posted??!! ._. That's a loooong time....like half a year...BUT I'm back! And I'm sorry...not that many people read this blog anyway, but I still feel bad in case anyone actually does read it. Well I guess if they did they stopped since I haven't posted in 6 months. BUT ANYWAY! Guess what? It's raining outside! I knooowww! It's all wet and muddy. But I kind of like it when it rains, Unless the power goes out like it did last night. >.< KOWAII!!(Scary). Yes, I don't like the dark that much. If I can see stuff I'm fine, but pitch blackness, No thank you! As You Know Thanksgiving has just passed. I loved spending time with my family and stuffing myself until I couldn't move. I have a lot to be thankful for. I don't deserve half of what God gave me. But I'm glad He blessed me with all I have. =) Well, I guess that's it. I will make sure not to let half a year go by without posting again. Let's leave on a happy note. 25 more days till Christmas!! =) Woohoo!!!

Mata ne! ^_^

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