Friday, May 28, 2010

CoFfEe @_@

Yoshi!!! The subject for today's blog entry is coffee! I am like totally addicted to it! SOOO we all know coffee to be an extreme help in the mornings because of its caffeine...unless of course its decaf. But anyways...OH! What if you put a red bull in your coffee! That would make it probably 5 times more energizing...but it would also probably be disgusting...okay scratch that idea. >.> hmmmmm.....Now I want a mocha....or a mocha frappe! YUUMMM *_*. *sigh* why does coffee have to be so awesomely delicious? LOL I just thought of Lucky Charms..."It's Magically Delicious!" XD *snort* Ahhhh *Wipes watering eyes* I crack myself up...*ahem* sorry...What were we talkin bout? Oh ya! Coffee. Well all that I have left to say on the subject is that more people should drink coffee. Who knows? Aliens could come and invade the world looking for something to keep them awake just think of what coffee could do for them?! Okay sorry I got a little carried away there...I guess that's it then...but do not despaire I shall be back with another blog entry soon!

Mata ne! ^_^

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