Monday, April 12, 2010

My Memory

As said in my last entry I will be talking about my memory. As said in my last entry I have very limited filing space in the filing cabinets of my brain. I often get up to do something then forget what it is. At the time being I am pretty bad at remembering directions(Which I am trying very hard to fix BTW). I lose things easily (But I'm not as bad as I used to be). Maybe it will get better with age >.>. I have been labeled by my friends to have Alzheimer's. So maybe instead of losing my memory as I get older I'll start remembering things more as I get older instead. That would be cool. It reminds me of Benjamin Button sort of lol. Okay, I guess I'm done since I have nothing else to say on this matter (at least none that I can remember XD).

Mata ne!!! ^_^

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