Monday, April 12, 2010

My Memory

As said in my last entry I will be talking about my memory. As said in my last entry I have very limited filing space in the filing cabinets of my brain. I often get up to do something then forget what it is. At the time being I am pretty bad at remembering directions(Which I am trying very hard to fix BTW). I lose things easily (But I'm not as bad as I used to be). Maybe it will get better with age >.>. I have been labeled by my friends to have Alzheimer's. So maybe instead of losing my memory as I get older I'll start remembering things more as I get older instead. That would be cool. It reminds me of Benjamin Button sort of lol. Okay, I guess I'm done since I have nothing else to say on this matter (at least none that I can remember XD).

Mata ne!!! ^_^

Friday, April 9, 2010


Yoshi!!!(That means okay!!! or alright!!)(BTW the "i" is silent) ^_^ Soooo.....pencils. Am I the only one who thinks #2 pencils are evil? I really dislike them! sure they're sharp when you first use them but then they get dull after a few words and it makes the words wider and bigger and just a pain! So you have to sharpen it all over again and repeat the process over and over. Now! With a mechanical pencil it's SOOOO much easier. It doesn't get dull as quick and once it does all you have to do is press the button and out comes more!!! Whoever invented mechanical pencils was a genius! ^_^ BUT when you take the A.C.T. they only let you use #2 pencils!! Now tell me, how whack is that?! what do they think your gunna do? poke yourself and it make you bleed? make too much noise by clicking? Use it as a projectile to throw at the other students? What's the problem? Who came up with such rules?! These thoughts torment my brain. Filling up it's limited (VERY LIMITED) filing space? (I'll make a blog entry about that subject later) But anyways! These are just the things that make me wonder. I guess that's it, just had to let my thoughts get out there, even if they're a little inside out XD.

Mata ne!! ^_^